

This toolkit is designed to make it easy for you to incorporate the data collected and messaging developed by Reconsidering Museums into your work. All types of museum workers, volunteers, and supporters will find this toolkit useful. The intention is for you to use the resources to articulate the value of museums more effectively and to respond to changing public expectations around the role of museums. Consistency is key, and that comes when like-minded people start to speak the same language about the importance of museum work.

Types of Resources

There are three types of resources in the toolkit: informational, communications, and advocacy. Informational tools will provide you with an overview of the data we collected through our engagement campaign, Museums for Me. Communications tools will help you adopt and share the evidence-backed language recommendations and messaging developed in response to the research. Advocacy tools will support you in advocating for your museum, the sector, and for community issues outside your museum.

How to Use the Toolkit

If you want an overview of the project and toolkit, start with the report. You can read the report from beginning to end or use the table of contents to skip to the section that is most relevant to your work. In the report, and throughout this website, you will find links to the resources that make up the toolkit. The focus here is on using the data and putting the resources to work. Feel free to use the resources that are most relevant to you and to revisit the toolkit as your work evolves.