Here you will find learning resources to help you understand and use the toolkit more effectively. We have created two primary learning resources: a self-facilitated presentation package and self-directed online course. Additionally, there are how-to guides associated with individual resources in the toolkit to support you in customizing the resources to suit the needs of your own museum. For example, the Collecting Perspectives graphics come with instructions for creating a social media post using the free-to-use online graphic design tool Canva. How-to guides can be found in the toolkit.

How to use the Presentation Package

The presentation package includes a slide deck and suggested speaking notes for presentation. You can use the presentation package to present Reconsidering Museums to staff at your museum, your colleagues within the sector, or to interested members of the public. It can be used at conferences, workshops, professional development sessions, or meetings. The presentation package is free to use, open access, and available for anyone to download.

How to Use the Online Course

The Reconsidering Museums online course is a self-paced, module-based, asynchronous course that runs on the Moodle virtual learning platform. Modules include Introduction to Reconsidering Museums, What Museums Mean to Canadians, Changing the Conversation, and Taking the Step into Activism. Participants can access one module or all four. The course is free and open to all.

Moodle Course

Presentation Package